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removal box combination packs from £16.95

8 different options to choose from

removal box combination packs from £16.95
option 1 (pk1) for flats + 1 bedroom houses option 1 (pk1) for flats + 1 bedroom houses
10 boxes in 2 sizes for £16.95
free bubble and tape
option 2 (pk2) for flats + 1 bedroom houses option 2 (pk2) for flats + 1 bedroom houses
25 boxes in 2 sizes for £39.95  stock item
free tape gun and ream (500 sheets) of tissue paper
option 3 (pk3) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses option 3 (pk3) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses
35 boxes in 2 sizes for £51.95 stock item
free tape gun and ream (500 sheets) of tissue paper
option 4 (pk4) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses option 4 (pk4) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses
35 boxes in 2 sizes for £67.95 stock item
free tape gun and ream (500 sheets) of tissue paper
option 5 (pk5) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses option 5 (pk5) for 1 - 2 bedroom houses
35 boxes 2 sizes+bubble for £68.55 stock item
free 6 rolls of tape + tape gun
option 6 (pk6) for 2 - 3 bedroom houses option 6 (pk6) for 2 - 3 bedroom houses
45 boxes 3 sizes+bubble for £86.95 stock item
free 3 each fragile and clear tape + tape gun
option 7 (pk7) for 3 + bedroom houses option 7 (pk7) for 3 + bedroom houses
60 boxes 4 sizes+4 bubble £132.95 stock item
free fragile+clear tape+tape gun+tissue paper
option 8 (pk8) for 3 + bedroom houses option 8 (pk8) for 3 + bedroom houses
85 boxes 5 sizes 4 bubble £148.95 stock item
free fragile+clear tape+tape gun+tissue paper
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