The Comprehensive Guide to Selling on Amazon

The Comprehensive Guide to Selling on Amazon

With the proper tools, resources and know-how, you can go from selling various items on Amazon to building an entire e-commerce business out of it. Long gone were the days when customers relied only on malls and local shops for their needs and desires; now the process has been extremely simplified without even leaving your home. And, as far as online sales are concerned, Amazon has definitely been crowned king of the industry. Even though eBay and Etsy come in close at 2nd and 3rd place, the countless benefits of Amazon as an online marketplace has attracted (and continues to attract) more buyers and associates (aka sellers) than you could imagine. In fact, Statista reports that there are currently over 304 million active accounts while The Telegraph has labelled the platform as the most influential retailer in Britain.

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60 Pinteresting Packaging Design Ideas

cool packaging design ideas

Here we present 60 packaging designs that are highly pinned on Pinterest. Our list includes creative designs for gifts, fashion accessories, beauty products, food and drinks.

​Many of the designs included may just be concepts, and many made it as the final product design. Either way, these posts are popular within the Pinterest community for a reason, as they boast a unique identity for a range of products, brands and concepts.

​Hover over each image for a quick summary, and if you're viewing this vis a mobile or tablet, tap each of the images for the same effect.

  • gifts
  • product
  • fashion
  • beauty
  • Drink
  • Food

Garçon Pyramid Packaging

Urbanoasis Vegetable Pack

Alice In Wonderland Gift Box

Ecopal Coloured Pencils

AKZENT Invest Wine Packaging

SKINS Shoe Package Design

Cocoro Corocoro Japanese Sweets

Ubuhle Bemvelo Khulu Soaps

Pelle Soap Stones

DIY Milk Carton Gift Boxes

How to Pack for a Move – The A to Z Ultimate Guide

Packing for the Move - The Ultimate Guide

How to pack for a move? If done properly, moving doesn’t have to be a bore. However, you will need to plan ahead.

Think of it as deciding on a full strategy to ensure all of your belongings get from point A to point B safely - a strategy that must account for every object so as to make sure you don’t lose anything on the way to your new home.

So here’s our take: relax, take a deep breath, read through this guide on how to pack for a move, and then stop dwelling in anxiety and start packing!

We’re going to show you how to make a budget for moving, what packing supplies you’ll need, how to label your stuff for moving, and how to unload all your precious possessions into your new home.

Needless to say, after this, you’ll probably be your friends’ go-to expert on how to move!

  • PREPARATION & Checklists
  • Packing & LABELLING
  • d-dAY: MOVING IN
Tips for Creating a Moving Budget

Tips for Creating a Moving Budget

Drawing up To-Do Lists and Checklists

Finding and Choosing the Best Moving Supplies

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